
What people are saying about...
Forest Schooled, The Book...
Another fantastic Forest School book. This one, by Caylin Gans of Forest Schooled is brilliant. It’s a book I wish I had written but I’m super happy that Caylin has.
— Lily Horseman, Former Chair of the Forest School Association, UK
I would definitely say that this set of stories is so meaningful that you cannot help but walk and live through these experiences. It is hard not to be touched by these tales, documented by Caylin from when she started her Forest School path, on training to become a level 3 practitioner, to well into her Forest School years. I would hasten to say of all the blogs about Forest School this is the one to read, as it gets to the nub of what it means to be a reflective practitioner.
— Jon Cree, Founding Chair of the Forest School Association, UK
A capacious and insightful read with beautiful photos and art! A must-read for anyone who wants to know more about outdoor learning and Forest School/Days! I am writing my masters thesis on nature-based learning, and this book has been a huge resource for me!
— Lara, Masters Student, USA